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Lamb curry

January 18, 2012

What to do with all my lamb leftovers without getting sick of the taste of rare lamb five meals in a row? Oh yes, a thing called curry.

Since my last post on the roast lamb, I’ve been hoarding up all the meat in the fridge, and worried that it would go bad. So earlier this week, I decided to make a large batch of lamb curry with some of the leftover meat. With the edges laced with rosemary chopped off, of course.

I’m usually not a fan of Indian food, and I am pretty sure that this is not specifically an Indian-type curry, as normal Indian recipes usually include garam masala, and my generic curry powder was a blend of only turmeric, cumin, garlic, onion, black pepper, and chili. It still made the house smell strongly of an Indian restaurant when I was finished cooking, though.

I basically guesstimated the amount of the ingredients I put in, and it tasted fine to me in the end. I served it atop some steamed cauliflower rice. Courtesy of the microwave.

1/2 lb cooked lamb (can be raw, just sear it for a bit before making curry)
1 Tbsp coconut oil (or other cooking oil if preferred)
1/4 cup coconut cream (1/2 cup coconut milk works too)
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp grated ginger
4 cloves garlic
1/2 large onion
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp lime juice

(1) Heat up coconut oil in pan and add garlic, onion, ginger, curry powder, and cinnamon. Saute until garlic and onion are slightly browned.
(2) Add the lamb meat and saute until thoroughly browned.
(3) Add coconut cream/milk and simmer over low to medium-low heat for 30 minutes, adding water if necessary. The sauce should be thick and pasty.
(4) Incorporate lime juice into the mixture prior to serving curry. Spoon atop starchy food.


Dai Dai

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